Certain proposed changes in our polity: now there should be a Partyless
Date: September 26, 2012
Drawn up by a citizen of Bharat for the consideration by ‘We,
the People’ of this great country1
[Released in the Seminar on Treaty-Making held on 21st July,
2007 (Saturday), ASSOCHAM House, New Delhi. The Seminar was presided over
by former Chief Justice J.S Verma]
Recalling the instruction given to us by Vyasa that
Sorrow which we share in common,
It is unwise to shed tears thereon;
It is prudent to find and forge some ways
To diagnose the cause to get rid of the ailment.;
Believing that it is a human specific to draw conclusions
from what we see to what we do not see as we are convinced that we alone are
our friends or foes, and it would be an insult to our culture to beg for trickle-down
effects and to turn suppliant under a system overtaken through corruption
and greed of a few denizens of sone ki Lanka;
Recognising that we have created and organized our polity
under the limitations of the Constitution which we gave to ourselves in exercise
of our sovereign authority which can neither be alienated nor usurped, and
which inheres in us enabling us to bring about requisite changes through persuasion,
if that be effective; through a revolution if that be needed;
Observing that the throes of painful existence of 97% of
our people inhabiting the glorious land of Bharat are being subjected to continuous
deception through strategies and stratagems made subtle and persuasive by
the Faustian logic of the intellectuals and media;
Finding that the organs of governance, set up under our Constitution,
have not given satisfactory account of themselves; and are fast subjugating
themselves to the Pax Mercatus the paeans of which are being sung day in and
day out by the beneficiaries of the greed-driven corrupt but ever waxing system;
Representing the interest of the suffering millions of Bharat
who are anguished to see the continuous conspiracy against their culture and
tradition, and noting with distress a headlong decline to servitude illustrating
the slave syndrome under which a slave puts on fetteres in his inertia as
a matter of morbid habit even when his destiny has set him free;
Noting that now we are at the cusp of history where we must
act and act and act deriving light and inspiration from such great role models
of revolution as Christ, Krishna, Mohammad, and Gandhi;
Convinced that democracy is not a mere show of elections
used merely as a device of capturing power somehow, and then to forget people
to be remembered again only when they are needed again for a repeat performance;
Determined to change the present system for the weal of all
by removing the cobwebs of studied pretence, and to make the organs of our
governance function as per the commands of our Constitution stripping it off
the distortions made by the schemers of neo-liberalism working as the harlots
for a morbid ersatz version of colonialism and imperialism through its dexterous
structure of deception;
THIS CITIZEN SUGGESTS certain steps pro bono publico for
better governance of this Republic hoping that many more suggestive ideas
would come up from persons far abler than this humble self: